Monday, January 14, 2008

Nobody ever paid my ransom!!! I wasn't kidnapped. I did disappear for a little while though, but please know that I have kept up with you all via blogs. ( I promise, that is the truth! )

What actually prompted me to write again after having such a long lapse in what others would NOT call creative writing is Am's last blog. Yes, Am, you have inspired me. I thought that since I've been terrible at keeping everybody updated, the best response from me would be to bribe you all to remain my loyal and loving friends by writing a blog praising you on the priceless friendships that you share with me. ( Hopefully it works! )

I am able to say all this because you three are the only ones that read my blog. I have been in somewhat of a funk lately, and I want you to know that you all 3 have made my day in one way or another (even though you may have never realized it). Whether it was via a random email about day to day things or an email with a special thought specfically for me, I have appreciated them all. Just receiving an email from one of you three really brightens my day.

Even though we are all many, many miles apart, it's nice to know that we're still friends. We've all been through times and moments where we didn't necessarily feel like we needed each other. No matter what your opinion, I've always needed my 3 best friends, and I regret the days where I thought I didn't need you. I hope that I will continue to realize that I need you, and I know, no matter what, you will always be there.

Our very distinct personalities I think make us the perfect friends. Please note, I said DISTINCT. :) I think we can all agree on that.

I am constantly reminded of the good ole days because Josey is 12 now. I am her go-to-parent to talk about cute boys, silly stories, etc....... Now, I distinctly remember us being funny. Here's a great example as to why we really may not have been, and we just thought we were:

The other day while foling laundry and watching a Law & Order episode that I have seen a few times before, I heard continuous giggling from Josey's bedroom. I take that back, it wasn't giggling. It was hysteria. I just knew that whatever was happening had to be hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing listening to her chuckle, chuckle, chuckle.....

I patiently waited for her to get off the phone with her friend because I, now feeling 12 again, was completely anxious to hear what I knew what going to be the funniest story I had ever heard. Finally, after listening to hysteria and trying to concentrate on Law & Order because I was growing extremely impatient, she got off the phone.

Here comes the story........are you ready?.........ok, I'm not going to tell you the story. Why, you may ask...because it wasn't funny at all. I had to fake a smile throughout this entire story so she wouldn't see the look that I was feeling like I should have posted on my face. Oh, and I had to fake this smile while she can barely even tell me the story through her giggling. Can you believe it? I was all worked up for nothing. Now I would tell you the story, but it really is a waste of time.

It just got me thinking.....were we funny? Did we really spend hours upon hours laughing at things that in no way seemed to contain a hint of humor? I'm hoping and praying that we were funny because we weren't even normal. Our "crew" would not have spent 30 minutes laughing, we would have spent hours, so.....did we waste hours upon hours thinking we were funny? Were we funny?

Believe it or not, this bothered me so bad I asked my parents if we were funny. Now, I consider my dad a "cool" person, so I trust his judgement. He said we really were funny, I'm fingers are crossed......

Actually, if we weren't. I don't want to know. I want to continue to marinate in the fact that we were the funniest group of people I had ever been around. We were. It just doesn't matter. :) WE WERE FUNNY!


ashes ashes said...

The best part is that we could have cared less if anyone else thought we were funny. We did and that was all that matter.

Amber said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure no one else was in on the joke. But we sure did get it!

I think other people thought we were funny for two very important reasons:

a) We won the talent show with our incredibly talentless re-enactment/lip synch of "My Boyfriend's Back" and

b) We were able to cram hundreds of other teenagers who were much more popular and had so many better things to do with their time into easily one of the cruddiest cars known to mankind.

Stacy said...

Oh, we were funny.