Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I'm Addicted!!!

Have yall ever been to craigslist? I cannot stop looking at it. Now, I've never actually gone through with anything on it, but I just can't help but look at it and email with questions. Everyday. Don't know why. Can't stop. I need help. Craigslisters Anonymous. Here I come.

I know it's just classifieds, but I'm perfectly fine until I start reading them. Then I start thinking, "Oh I need that therapeutic hot tub! I've been needing one of those for some time now!". Yeah, like I decided 6 months ago that I needed one, but now all of a sudden I do! It's worse than being a beginner on Ebay.

I know it will all end soon. I just wonder, will it phase out like Ebay did? I rarely remember to even glance at Ebay. Will it be just a passing fad? Actually to tell you the truth, it will be just a fad unless I actually do get the therapeutic never-used hot tub. Then my addiction may go one step further. I might actually be able to see you all real soon if you put me on that intervention show.

That's another topic. Have you seen the show Intervention? If I ever get that bad, just shoot me. Seriously. I know these people have issues, and I will never pretend to know what they are going through. I just don' t want to be them.

So, I gotta go. I have to go look at Craigslist again!!!!!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Craigslist is awesome. It's come in handy a few times for me. Once we had these old crummy lava rocks that we thought would be a pain to remove. I put a picture on craigslist, announcing they were free, and someone showed up with rakes, shovels and a truck in no time.

Then another time we sold baseball tickets to the game that was going on that very night. We got rid of them in like 15 minutes.

Beware, there can be some freaks and scammers on there, but overall, it's such a cool concept.