Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I'm hiding......

Ok, my Halloween party this weekend was a blast. It was definately a long night, but I made it through it. I'll have pictures that I'll post later. In the end, Dorothy did realize that there really is no place like home, so she finally made it there about 4:30am. Mind you, I wasn't awake the entire time. I found a very comfortable couch and made me a little abode there!!!!

Last night in Ada was the official trick or treat night for as you know Ada is the official Church Town, so we can't have it for sure on Wednesday. Well, I never realized how much candy costs these days. Joe went to Wal-Mart to get candy because I was really wanting to be the cool house in town that gave the good candy and a handful of it. bubble bursted when I was informed that Joe got enough candy for 4 kids and it cost us $10. Now, $10 isn't extravagant, but those four children were my niece, nephew, step-daughter and her sister. I just could not afford to purchase enough candy for all the kids that I initially wanted to. :o(

Well, we had someone knock on our door, and I thought it was my sister. I opened the door and there was a pile of kids. Now, complete embarassment took over because I DIDN'T HAVE ANY CANDY. So I informed them politely that I didn't have any as a small, let's say two year old, takes off into my house. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm not going to grab a stranger's kid for fear of some sort of law suit. You never know these days. So I'm following the kid and trying to get permission from the parents for me to pick up their child. I am vaguely remembering panic on everybody's face for it was least expected on all of our parts. So as the kids makes his way into my kitchen, and I have yet to receive permission, an older sister about 12 steps up to my door and asks if she can come in. The look on this poor child's face was priceless. I told her yes, so she came in and picked up the little glow in the dark skeleton from my kitchen. Well, I could have gotten away with the no candy scenario had this girl not looked at my buffet as she walked out the door and there lying on the top were 4 bags of candy for the 4 predetermined Halloween guests. Ok, so now I, the one who wanted to be the cool lady at Halloween that passes out all the good Halloween candy, is now the lying lady on the corner who hogs all the candy for herself.

Now, when I used to go trick or treating, we went to the houses that had their porch light on. Obviously that scenario has gone out the window or I'm dealing with a load of total idiots. Actually, I'm assuming the latter is the best option. My door got knocked on ALL NIGHT. I felt so bad each time, but then I would get mad because obviously my porch light was not on. Oh well, so I hid in my living room all night. We finally resorted to eating in the dark hoping it would deter the little ankle biters who now hate me. I hid. In my own home, I hid. Now if you can't be safe and comfortable in your own home, where can you be.

ps.....I hid in my own home.


Amber said...

That's how we do it; if the porch light is off, no candy. And I was told that they did trick or treating here a day early because they didn't want the kids out on the same night that some older people might be out. You know, drunk driving, teenagers pulling pranks, that sort of thing. But I can't believe that kid just ran in your house!!!

Stacy said...

That's just hilarious. Good story to share. Yeah, I would go in hiding, too. Light off means don't knock. Everyone knows that.

ashes ashes said...

We finally had to turn our lights off, because we had so many trick or treaters and we ran out of candy.