Friday, October 12, 2007

The weekend is right around the corner......

And a busy one it will be at that!!!! Here's the low down on what Tina's weekends generally look like. There's not too much of a break, but it's ok. It will all pay off in the end. If it doesn't, BEWARE OF TINA!

I begin the weekend with pictures tonight of a little cutie in her Halloween costume, a ladybug. There will also be some pics with Mom and some family friends. It's a good hour, hour and a half. Emma, she's definitely a cutie.

I begin Saturday morning dropping off some pictures to a client, attending a fun-filled soccer game of 6 year olds that basically just chase each other. They haven't learned the concept of anticipation. We don't guess where the ball will be going and get a headstart. We just run as a herd of cows being chased by a cow dog around a field. Sometimes, once in a while, the ball does go in the goal. I'm not promising it's the correct one, but it does end up in there at times. My little prize of a niece, which stayed the night with me last night, made a goal last week! GO JERSEY!!!

The rest of that day on includes the following:

Meeting with future client/business partner. He's a videographer. We're thinking we can come up with some packages that incorporate what does. In the end we both benefit. This future business partner is also needing some pictures taken of his band which therefore makes him a client as well. YEAH!!!

I need to upload and finish working on the pictures of the wedding I took last weekend. Yes, you guessed it. I haven't even started working on them. I'm not in too big of a hurry to begin though because they still owe me their remaining balance. I know they're good for it, but I've eaten time and money before. Not going there again.

I need to upload and finish the pictures that I will be taking tonight. In case you weren't aware, all of my pictures, when I am through with them, I upload onto the internet for clients to view. It's like what Ash sent out of her nephews. It makes it a lot easier on me because I don't have to take orders and stuff of the like. YEAH AGAIN!

I have to work on a future project that I really should have started months ago. I'm working on a calendar for the local fire department. No, I'm not the genius behind this plan. GO STACY! GO STACY! IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! SHAKE YOUR BOOTY!! I already have the layout, but I just need to throw in some pics of them working to give them a better idea. Not everybody can imagine, and I know it will go over better if they actually have something to show to the crew. I have to go snap some informal candid photos on Sunday to put in the calendar.

I have a new business client as well. I have to come up with some drafts of different forms as well as take all their pictures, headshots to be exact. I am designing a business card, form that stands on the lobby desk, license display that holds license and picture, collage that shows everybody in the company, and sheet with picture and educational background and work history to display as well. Work, work, work, but I'm extremely excited to begin this adventure.

I have a construction company that I need to draw their logo, design a brochure for them to handout to help broaden their horizons. I'm also doing a deck of cards for them as well.

Then, last and definitely not least, I have to study for my EMT test. In case I forgot to mention (ok, maybe I didn't forget!!) but I didn't pass my first take at the test. The majority of my questions were over acid/base balance. Oh yeah, I know you wouldn't have guessed this but that's not my strong point. Kidding, I know you could have guessed that. So basically, I knew leaving my test site that I didn't do so well. Oh well. I have two more chances, but the positive person in me only needs one. YOU HEAR THAT COMPUTER BASED NATIONAL EMT TEST, I ONLY NEED TO TAKE YOU ONE MORE TIME! I think it heard me.

Weekends are great, and I look forward to each and every one of them. However, I really look forward to the day when I can work on photography more throughout the week so I can come above ground on the weekends. I think my husband started printing MISSING posters for me last week. It took him a while. I think he enjoyed me not being available for a while. I think the house might be getting dirty. That's why he's looking for me.

Oh and I have to clean my house this weekend.......

It's neverending.....


1 comment:

Amber said...

Oh. My. Goodness. That made me want to throw up. I am NEVER that busy.